2020 Arcturus Editing Team

Ashlee Stone, Editor

Ashlee Stone is finishing up her A.A. degree here at Highline and is hoping to move onto a BA in respiratory care in the Fall. She loves to go camping and to the beach, and writing stories in her spare time. 

Cori Arndt, Editor

Cori Arndt is in her second year of Running Start and is currently working towards getting her A.A. In her free time, she enjoys writing, reading, and painting. She also enjoys competitive swimming and baking things for her friends. In Fall 2020, Cori is planning on transferring to the University of Washington to study Creative Writing. 

Jerry R. Vorhies, Editor

Jerry R. Vorhies lives in Federal Way with his brilliant husband and harebrained corgi-shepherd canine. Jerry pursues an AA at Highline with the intent to attend the UW Tacoma for business. Being an Editor on Arcturus has been an enjoyable experience and appreciates the chance to read so many unique pieces of work. It was a real pleasure for me to read and discuss all of the wonderful pieces that were submitted. If you read my comic-strip, Cut-n-Cheese and enjoyed it, more can be found on Facebook. My story, “Breve Boys,” was inspired to tell an unapologetic outrageous and awkward story that will hopefully make you squirm and laugh out loud. 

Jiro Jones, Editor

Jiro Jones is a part time college student and store employee by day, and by night he is asleep.

However, in those in-between moments when he has nothing to do, he writes poetry or messies his hands with paint.

A large contributor to the of his work is his synesthesia. Linking words to feeling and taste is what makes art so involving and beautiful for him. 

Paul Lupe, Editor

Paul Lupe is an international student from South Sudan. Having lived most of his life away from home, he uses his writing as a mobile home- a haven that he can retreat into when life around him turns difficult.